
Case Report

An uncommon cause of isolated ascites: Pseudomyxoma peritonei

Louly Hady*, I Nassar, K Znati and N Kabbaj

Published: 26 April, 2019 | Volume 3 - Issue 1 | Pages: 001-005

Pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP) or Gelatinous Peritoneal Disease is a rare condition that refers to an anatomo-clinical entity characterized by ascites of variable abundance in the peritoneal cavity, viscous or mucinous, associated or not with neoplastic epithelial cells. It predominates in women. Diagnosis is guided by imaging and confirmed by histology. Prognosis is good in case of early management. We report the case of a male diagnosed with Pseudomyxoma peritonei revealed by isolated ascites.

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Ascites; Appendix mucocele; Pseudomyxoma peritonei


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