Short Review
Published: 24 November, 2022 | Volume 6 - Issue 1 | Pages: 039-043
Malignancy of the small bowel is exceedingly rare, accounting for 3% - 5% of all gastrointestinal malignancies
[1-3]. However, in recent years because of improved diagnostic accuracy, the incidence of small bowel cancer is rising. It is estimated that 10, 470 new cases of primary SI cancer will be diagnosed in the US with 1450 cancer-related deaths [4]. The most frequent histologic types of small bowel malignant tumors include adenocarcinomas, carcinoids, lymphomas, and sarcomas. Adenocarcinoma of the small intestine is the second most common histologic type of SI cancer. The most frequent location of SI adenocarcinoma is the duodenum (57%), followed by the jejunum (29%) and ileum (13%) [5]. SI cancers are more common in men than women [6]. They occur more commonly in the African-American population and after 60 years of age [7].
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