
Research Article

Severe Alcoholic Hepatitis-optimizing Medical Management: Whether we need a Liver Transplant

Harshal Rajekar*

Published: 09 July, 2024 | Volume 8 - Issue 1 | Pages: 006-016

Severe alcoholic hepatitis is an ethical and clinical conundrum, wherein a liver transplant is often recommended. The adequacy of medical treatment versus the risk of recidivism after transplant is often debated. Complete recovery in 26 of 27 patients with severe alcoholic hepatitis was observed, and hence the data was retrospectively analysed.
Methods: 27 patients, with severe alcoholic hepatitis, with Maddrey's discriminant function between 59.7 to 165.2 (mean 107.53), from June 2017 to May 2022, were followed up for between 11 months to 6 years. INR ranged from 1.99 to 3.7 (mean 2.709), and bilirubin was between 7.6 to 37.01, (mean 20.859). 8 patients had pre-existing liver cirrhosis. All patients received probiotics, nutritional support, physical rehabilitation, saturated fat (clarified butter/ desi ghee) supplementation, and anti-oxidant support. 
At 90 days, total bilirubin improved to between 1.0 to 6.8 (mean 2.625). ALT (Alanine Transaminase/ SGPT) ranged from 65 to 550 (mean ALT – 197); and AST (Aspartate Transaminase / SGOT) ranged from 58 to 810 (mean AST – 271.51). Both the AST and ALT were near normal after 90 days. One patient died due to bacterial pneumonia and sepsis; the remaining 26 patients made a complete recovery. All patients including those with diagnosed liver cirrhosis, had complete resolution of their ascites, and near-normal liver function. At the last outpatient visit, none had ascites, edema, or encephalopathy, and had normal albumin levels and INR values. 
Conclusion: Probiotics, nutrition, a saturated fat diet, and exercise; all have shown benefits in patients with severe alcoholic hepatitis when tested individually. Concomitant use of all the above has not been reported in the treatment of alcoholic hepatitis. The role of nutrition alone versus the contribution of nutritional deficiencies and the role of gut-derived endotoxemia need to be studied in detail. How to identify patients who need a transplant, if it is needed at all, remains a challenge.

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Severe alcoholic hepatitis; Liver transplant; Probiotics; Nutrition; Reversible liver failure; Saturated fat diet


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